July 4: Bring out the balloons

Since the unfortunate passing of two major celebrities in the past week, the subject of Iran has all but dissipated in the public eye and we are almost back at square one in terms of global awareness. The battle is far from over, but you wouldn’t think it if you’ve been watching nothing but mainstream TV news recently. The entire world does not use Twitter, and so does not have access to the same information as we do. The fact is that the entire world is not even on the Internet, and so still relies on the regular news channels to receive what we have so readily at our fingertips. We need to bring it back into focus.

What can we do?

We can transcend the American day of independence and share it with the world. Let’s celebrate liberty and freedom for all. Not only do the people of Iran deserve their freedom, they have a right to it.

A GBC leaflet in the fleshIn order to spread awareness and bring the subject of Iran back into the mainstream news and into the minds of the people, a group of us have decided that during daylight hours on July 4 2009 we will reignite the sea of green and fill the sky once again with balloons, each carrying with it a simple message to educate and inform any who might stumble upon one.

We ask that you join us, no matter where you are in the world in making this a global event: the more support we can get the more chance we have of making this national news and bringing the topic back into the public eye!

To facilitate this, with the help of @Kintay I have put together a PDF template that you can print out and attach to your balloons.

To download, right click the appropriate link below for your preferred language and click “Save as”:

If you need the leaflet in another language then please send me the translated text here and I will create a template and publish it with the others.


The template can be printed in either color or black and white, and can contain either three double sided leaflets per page folded over and glued (to give the leaflets some durability and so that it doesn’t matter which way up they land), or six single sided leaflets per page which can be rolled up as miniature scrolls. In either case, ensure they reach their targets and fasten them securely.

Please video your launch by any means you are able, upload your videos to YouTube and then send the link(s) to me here, or to @CajunTechie and/or @unscannable on Twitter. Once collated, we will post a page on this blog to commemorate the occasion and to show our united support for the people of Iran, and then we will relay them to as many news networks as we can.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly by email here, or post a comment below, or send a message to @unscannable on Twitter. All messages go directly to my cell phone (including comments on this blog) and I will endeavor to reply as quickly as I can.

You’re amazing!

It’s no secret that Iran would most likely have been plunged into complete darkness were it not for the sheer dedication and voluntary commitment of all those people both inside and outside who:

  • Ensure the flow of real news in and out of the country, diluting the government propaganda the people in Iran are subjected to.
  • Dedicate time and bandwidth for secure and anonymous proxies to ensure the people in Iran stay connected with the world.
  • Watch Twitter and re-tweet important news, giving it weight and spreading awareness.

Even the smallest action has not gone unnoticed.  If you have done nothing more than change your Twitter location and time zone to Tehran, then you have helped.  Yes, I’m talking about you.  Even the fact that you have read this far shows you care enough to want to know.

We really can make a difference.

Thank you, and keep being you!

P.S. I apologise profusely for the short notice on this. The idea only came to me late July 1st and I have been working almost non-stop since with the help of my insanely dedicated girlfriend @athenagibson to produce and organize this.  Special thanks also to @CajunTechie@MattBCardenas@Kintay,@hussypussy@hollyinfrance and @Samtagious for their help and support in helping to make this happen.


  1. donjoe said,

    July 2, 2009 at 5:40 pm

    How about not releasing the balloons into the air (which disastrously shortens the impact of the action), but TYING THEM with long strings to all kinds of public rails, bars, pipes, handles, signs etc.?

  2. Mary Bawden said,

    July 2, 2009 at 6:20 pm

    I got green ribbons and I will get Green balloons to distribute on the Fourth of July to a crowd gathered together! Thanks for your Site. I will not forgot @Neda…

  3. Badaman said,

    July 2, 2009 at 7:11 pm

    I honestly think a mix of tying them up and releasing them would be have the most impact. imagine coming across them and seeing them tied up?
    I say this: Anyone planning on joining this wonderful idea should double their balloon amount and do both! What you reckon unscannable?

  4. July 2, 2009 at 7:36 pm

    […] Ashley Harmon From user HELP US: re-ignite sea of green in 4 July GLOBAL act of awareness https://unscannable.wordpress.com/4-july… [READ & RT!] #iranelection #iran #neda #gr88 1 hour […]

  5. Holly said,

    July 2, 2009 at 7:42 pm

    Great idea in principle but some people (me included in rural France) simply won’t be able to get hold of green helium filled balloons at short notice, so, for us, fixed balloons seem a good option too. At the same time people could perhaps put up the ‘where is my vote’ signs which can be found here:


  6. NINJA said,

    July 2, 2009 at 7:59 pm

    Great idea. Kudos to all. But have you ever seen a balloon land? What actually happens that it will go higher and higher and at some point will burst (not land). But do what you think as action is important not thinking and talking about it… I will have mine attached to my motorcycle and car…

  7. Athena said,

    July 2, 2009 at 8:42 pm

    Great idea. Let’s get the print out to as many people as possible & in as many ways as possible. Balloons in the air or tied down, leaflets handed out or left in public places. Let’s just get the word to as many people as possible!

  8. Angie said,

    July 2, 2009 at 8:49 pm

    I was thinking the other day, what more can i do, I tweet and tweet an RT, i have been on a mission emailing news orgs, journalist, all tv networks, about every other day, trying to get them to keep Iran in theforefront. sometimes it gets frustrating, so i went up in my attic and got all my green ribbon from christmas, and tied it all around my front porch. I think you have a great idea with balloons, i will put some on my porch along with the ribbons,as release the others. I have had a few people ask me what’s with the ribbons, so i told them, they had no clue what was going on in Iran. I think it is a fitting time to do this, as we celebrate our freedom,we will keep the hopes alive of those who are desperate to seek freedom. Thank you for this idea.

  9. midgetqueen said,

    July 2, 2009 at 8:54 pm

    It’s a sweet idea, but considering that using the US Constitution, in ANY way, in support of Iranians, is just playing into the hands of their regime accusing the US of meddling… NOT good. I’ll release green balloons and put green ribbons all over, and flyers too. But in a spirit of GLOBAL unity, not using US government’s words. We must act with careful thought. Not just act for the sake of acting.

    I commend the thought. But upon reflecting, I feel that that particular leaflet does more harm than good. Especially considering there is proof of crappy things our gov has done to Iran in the past. As much as some of us would like to think so, our nation doesn’t have a pristine history and as such can’t be considered a banner of freedom for the entire world.

    But yes, I will put up green balloons and ribbons at some point, probably several points, through this week.

  10. unscannable said,

    July 2, 2009 at 11:37 pm

    NOTE: Based on input received today I am going to look at revising the slogan on the leaflets. I still stand by my reasons to utilize a fragment of the constitution in order to appeal to the public that are not yet informed, but after reflection and discussion it may be more appropriate to use another source of inspiration to capture people’s attention. Please watch this space, I will post an update soon.

  11. unscannable said,

    July 3, 2009 at 1:29 am

    We really are truly grateful for everyone who has offered help, support and constructive criticism in this effort, and those that have pledged to join us wherever they are. There have been a few comments that would have been better served with a slightly less damning tone, but our ears are open as wide as our arms, and we are always willing to listen.

    Thank you again, let’s break this media silence and give them a reason to start reporting again!

  12. Nerine said,

    July 3, 2009 at 2:05 am

    I like this and will participate – but please everyone read http://www.madsci.org/posts/archives/2000-08/966694576.En.r.html for ideas on how to make this a truly GREEN (i.e. environmentally sound) act!

  13. erin said,

    July 3, 2009 at 6:10 am

    red, white, blue, & green…:)

  14. mahasti said,

    July 3, 2009 at 6:15 am

    Will float & fix green balloons all over Los Angeles.

  15. Mary Esther Salinas said,

    July 3, 2009 at 6:28 am

    great idea athena (damienx01). I’ll go to the store and buy as many green balloons and ribbon. Great article, keep the great idea’s coming. let me know when the printables are ready. Your tweet.

  16. unscannable said,

    July 3, 2009 at 12:41 pm

    Some fantastic ideas have come out of this. Looking forward to sharing them with you all very soon!

  17. unscannable said,

    July 3, 2009 at 3:51 pm

    As requested and discussed, and after much consideration I have removed references to the US Constitution. Please keep feeding your input back to me so we can make this as effective as possible!

  18. Henk From Belgium said,

    July 3, 2009 at 4:14 pm

    lysssandros: RT @oxfordgirl: Source: 1 employee of Mokhaberat Iran(Telecoms)suspended 4 sending SMS to BBC – they r tracking all sms – #Iranelection

    Please we need ICT Koningklus@msn.com

  19. July 3, 2009 at 5:32 pm

    I’m sending this info to friends in Ireland. Great idea.
    Next on radar we should unite and help those people too poor to own twitter device!

  20. July 3, 2009 at 7:05 pm

    Freedom to Iran!

  21. Nerine said,

    July 3, 2009 at 8:28 pm

    I’m organizing a gathering for this purpose July 4 @ 2 pm in Ottawa, ON, Canada – see Facebook event at http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=97328523415&ref=mf Anyone who’s interested, join me!

  22. gfanhoto said,

    July 3, 2009 at 9:46 pm

    The only way to do with that the great communication means change of focus (mj, marcus, public enemies, wimbledom, alaska, etc) and talk the truth about the iran and honduras it is to take them.

  23. darafsh said,

    July 3, 2009 at 11:10 pm

    He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from opposition; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach himself. ~Thomas Paine

  24. unscannable said,

    July 3, 2009 at 11:19 pm

    Guys, I just noticed a bit of a blunder I made. I’m English, and as such I automatically assumed an A4 page would suffice, forgetting that in America the standard is actually Letter. I’m creating a Letter template right now so if you are having problems please hold off printing for just a little while until I’ve done that.


  25. unscannable said,

    July 4, 2009 at 3:49 am

    Ok guys, sorry for the delay, we lost power this evening. The template is good to go as-is, apparently Acrobat will automatically scale the template provided you set your printing options correctly.

    That’s all!

  26. unscannable said,

    July 4, 2009 at 4:35 am

    Just added a note to the bottom of the template to remind people to keep Earth tidy and dispose of their balloons responsibly 🙂

  27. Mike said,

    July 4, 2009 at 5:07 am

    Yeah…everybody dispose of the balloons in a green fashion. These idiots use human bodies for traction for their tanks. I love you guys and what you’re trying to do. We got here with Kentucky longguns. So you and I can post to places like this. It was done with blood and that’s the way it will always be done. I hate it.

  28. Sophia said,

    July 4, 2009 at 11:41 am

    My Iran

    Another death breaks my heart and fills my eyes with tears.
    I lean my head back and think of my life.
    The freedom to dress, speak and express opinions.
    All the things I take for granted.
    All those things My Iran doesn’t have.

    The Government fills my mind with hatred and disgust.
    The “Shadow of God on Earth” a thug and a murderer.
    The Basij that didn’t think twice about killing Neda.
    All these evils that I don’t have to live with.
    All these evils My Iran is infested with.

    The streets filled with Basij armed with guns.
    The people bloody and wounded.
    Screams and chants ring in my ears.
    All these horrors are going on.
    All these things are in Iran, but it isn’t My Iran.

    In My Iran hair of women is seen flowing.
    Yours and my opinions are taken into account and not dismissed.
    The people are the voice, they speak for Iran.
    This is My Iran.
    My Iran has its’ freedom.

    By Fiaa_Mottaghi

    I know it isn’t very good, but i am just trying to get a point across and support my family in Iran. I do not know if they are all okay and evrery day i pray for them.

    This balloon idea i thought was ace.
    And you all deserve a massive pat on the back for all your work.
    Later i will tie some balloons around all over my town and spread the word.
    I will not let the message of Iran be silenced.

    Thank you


  29. Lola LB said,

    July 4, 2009 at 12:42 pm

    I would suggest repeating this on Labor Day in US. Perhaps do something a bit different than balloons, but something that will be noticeable by the media. Plus this gives us almost 2 months to plan.

  30. unscannable said,

    July 4, 2009 at 3:28 pm

    I’m not sure we should stop there, even if it is (hopefully!) over. I think we should continue to hold campaigns for the oppressed on a global scale. Not necessarily balloons, and of course not necessarily green. Even when the people of Iran inevitably win their freedom, the world will still not be free of oppression.

  31. Mike said,

    July 4, 2009 at 8:14 pm

    My prayers are with all those that are being oppressed. My God please make it stop. What good is power or money when your people are cannon fodder. Today I celebrate my countrys indipendence. But we aren’t free. Americans are grilling hotdogs all over right now but there are so many countries out there that are doing horrible things for a few diamonds or some oil. Yeah I want to be rich and live a life of luxuray…but at the cost of what? Sophia I hope it works out ok. You’re beautiful!

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